
based on psychological principles

Coaching is a specific professional approach uses lots of mental or interpersonal processes and strategies, usually inspired by psychotherapy or psychological counselling.

Coaching is, however, more than the expertise of a coach. Coaching is much more about his/her personality. About skills, facilities, experience, knowledge, possibilities or general outlook, personal responsibility, mental flexibility and creativity ...

Coaching can be focused on professional or personal development/improvement

It could be provided individually, in a small social group or in a team. 

Coachees can use coaching to enhance performance or more efficient relax or ...

... there are really lots of targets, lots of ways how to utilize coaching ...

My personal experience and skills would be applied especially in these three areas of coaching:

- Professional / Personal development of top-managers (crisis management, Burn-Out prevention or intervention, long-term sustainable work performance/load together wirh preserving quality of personal and family relationships /Work-Life-Balance/, managing specific stress situations in work or personal life, etc.);

- Performance stabilization or skill development of top athletes;

- Dealing with extreme working conditions and loads (emergency or other types of special services, heavy workload, professional life during maternity / parental leave or divorce, etc.).

Coaching would be provided via IT support (e.g. phone call or Skype), but the most effective is personal sessions/consultations (in Brno or any place in Europe).

Coaching requires a high level of personal engagement (from both sides - coachee & coach) ...

Pavel Humpolíček, Ph.D., Brno & Bystřice pod Hostýnem, 775 779 339,
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